Christmas is not a festival , it marks a season . Season of joy, happiness and arena
of positivity all around.

People enjoy to the fullest.Christmas marks the birth of son of god who taught the world about wisdom, justice, right judgement and equity.

As written in Bible:-

The fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Following the sayings of lord God, Seth AnandRam Jaipuria School had organised a Christmas Carnival, Chief guest being Professor V.K.Singh. He is the professor of English, dean and faculty of special education and faculty of art and music at Shakuntala Devi University.He inaugurated the event by the lightening of the lamp and enriching all with his speech.

Christmas Carnival comprised
Christmas Play with beautiful carols were sung followed by a grand fete.

Children depicted the birth of Jesus, each child played the role with full energy and enthusiasm. It was further continued with a grand fete that was open for all.Vendors from outside were welcomed to put up stalls.Student  of the school had put some interesting game stalls to make the event worth enjoying.