Table Manner Activity 2023

Table manners are essential social skills that children should learn from a young age. To instill these etiquettes in pre-primary kids, a table manners activity was organized in Seth Anandram Jaipuria School on Wednesday i.e. 1st November to teach them the basics of dining etiquette. This report highlights the objectives, activities, and outcomes of the event.

We taught children the concept of table manners, taught basic dining etiquettes, such as using utensils, sitting properly, and polite behavior,promote social skills and respect for others during mealtime.

The table manners activity was started with the interactive storytelling session where a teacher narrated a story about a character learning table manners. This engaged the kids and set the tone for the day.

 Children were shown how to set the table with placemats, plates, utensils, and napkins. They were

encouraged to participate and set their own tables. Kids were served a simple meal (such as sandwiches and fruit) and instructed on how to use utensils, chew with their mouths closed, and ask politely for more if they wanted it.  The children were  engaged in role-playing exercises, taking turns as “hosts” and “guests” at the dining table, practicing polite conversations, and using good table manners.

 After the meal, a group discussion was held to reinforce what they had learned. Children shared their experiences and discussed the importance of table manners. They really enjoyed the activity and learned various important points which they should remember while eating. We even reinforce on hand wash before and after the meal.

The table manners activity for pre-primary kids was a success in achieving its objectives. Children became more conscious of their behaviour during mealtime and the importance of showing respect to others. Through role-playing and discussions, children improved their social skills and cooperation with peers.

 The interactive and practical approach made learning about table manners enjoyable for the kids.

The table manners activity for pre-primary kids was a valuable initiative to instill good dining etiquette from a young age. It helped children understand the importance of polite behaviour at the table and improved their social skills. Such activities contribute to the holistic development of children and prepare them for future social interactions.